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core.tsp (13900B)

      1 ;;; core.tsp
      2 (def (list . lst) "Create list" lst)
      3 (def quit "type (quit) or press CTRL-D to exit REPL")
      5 (def defmacro
      6   (Macro (args . body)
      7     "Define named macro, with argument list and body
      8   First element of arguments is name of macro
      9   Also see def"
     10     (cond
     11       ((pair? args)
     12       (list 'def (car args) (list 'Macro (cdr args) . body)))
     13       (else
     14         (error 'defmacro "expected macro name and argument List, recieved "
     15               (typeof args))))))
     17 ;;; CXR
     19 ; TODO def car cdr with get syntax ?
     20 (def (caar x) (car (car x)))
     21 (def (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
     22 (def (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))
     23 (def (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x)))
     24 (def (caaar x) (car (car (car x))))
     25 (def (caadr x) (car (car (cdr x))))
     26 (def (cadar x) (car (cdr (car x))))
     27 (def (caddr x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
     28 (def (cdaar x) (cdr (car (car x))))
     29 (def (cdadr x) (cdr (car (cdr x))))
     30 (def (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))
     31 (def (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
     32 (def (caaaar x) (car (car (car (car x)))))
     33 (def (caaadr x) (car (car (car (cdr x)))))
     34 (def (caadar x) (car (car (cdr (car x)))))
     35 (def (caaddr x) (car (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
     36 (def (cadaar x) (car (cdr (car (car x)))))
     37 (def (cadadr x) (car (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
     38 (def (caddar x) (car (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
     39 (def (cadddr x) (car (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
     40 (def (cdaaar x) (cdr (car (car (car x)))))
     41 (def (cdaadr x) (cdr (car (car (cdr x)))))
     42 (def (cdadar x) (cdr (car (cdr (car x)))))
     43 (def (cdaddr x) (cdr (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
     44 (def (cddaar x) (cdr (cdr (car (car x)))))
     45 (def (cddadr x) (cdr (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
     46 (def (cdddar x) (cdr (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
     47 (def (cddddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
     49 ;;; Types
     51 (def (any? x)         True)
     52 (def (void? x)        (= (typeof x) "Void"))
     53 (def (nil? x)         (= (typeof x) "Nil"))
     54 (def  empty?          nil?)
     55 (def (integer? x)     (= (typeof x) "Int")) ; TODO shorten type querry funcs ?
     56 (def (decimal? x)     (= (typeof x) "Dec"))
     57 (def (ratio? x)       (= (typeof x) "Ratio"))
     58 (def (string? x)      (= (typeof x) "Str"))
     59 (def (symbol? x)      (= (typeof x) "Sym"))
     60 (def (primitive? x)   (= (typeof x) "Prim"))
     61 (def (specialform? x) (= (typeof x) "Form"))
     62 (def (function? x)    (= (typeof x) "Func"))
     63 (def (macro? x)       (= (typeof x) "Macro"))
     64 (def (pair? x)        (= (typeof x) "Pair"))
     65 (def (atom? x)        (not (pair? x)))
     66 (def (cons? x)        (and (pair? x) (not (pair? (cdr x)))))
     67 (def (list? x)        (if (pair? x) (list? (cdr x)) (not x)))
     68 (def (boolean? x)     (or (= x True) (nil? x)))
     69 (def (true? x)        (= x True))
     70 (def  false?          nil?)
     71 (def (builtin? x)     (or (primitive? x) (specialform? x)))
     72 (def (procedure? x)   (or (builtin? x) (or (function? x) (macro? x))))
     73 (def (rational? x)    (or (integer? x) (ratio? x)))
     74 (def (number? x)      (or (rational? x) (decimal? x)))
     76 (def (Bool x) (if x True Nil))
     77 ; TODO handle string and sym
     78 (def (Pair x)
     79   (cond
     80     ((rational? x)
     81      (cons (numerator x)
     82            (denominator x)))
     83     ((decimal? x)
     84      (cons (integer (truncate x))
     85            (- x (truncate x))))
     86     ((or (void? x) (nil? x) (pair? x)) x)
     87     (else (cons x Nil))))
     89 (defmacro (assert expr)
     90   `(unless ,expr
     91         (error 'assert "assertion " ',expr " failed")))
     93 ; TODO support any sized list n depending on size of optional val
     94 (def (default n val)
     95   (cond
     96     ((nil? n) val)
     97     ((and (pair? n) (nil? (cdr n)))
     98      (car n))
     99     (else (error 'default "expected only 1 optional argument"))))
    101 ;;; Control Flow
    103 ; TODO if b = pair and car b = else use cdr b
    104 (defmacro (if con a b)
    105   "Execute a if condition con is true, otherwise run b"
    106   (list 'cond (list con a) (list True b)))
    107 (def else True)
    108 (defmacro (when con . body)
    109   "Execute body if condition con is true"
    110   (list 'cond (list con (cons 'do body))))
    111 (defmacro (unless con . body)
    112   "Execute body unless condition, con, is true"
    113   (list 'cond (list (list not con) (cons 'do body))))
    115 (defmacro (let vars . body)
    116   "Execute body with new local variables in vars
    117   vars is a list of name and value pairs"
    118   (list (list* 'Func ()
    119                (append
    120                  (map
    121                    @(list* 'def (car it) (cdr it))
    122                    vars)
    123                  body))))
    125 (defmacro (recur proc vars . body)
    126   "Do recursion within body by calling proc with values for vars
    127   Also see let"
    128   (list 'let
    129         (list*
    130           (list proc (list* 'Func (map car vars) body))
    131           vars)
    132         (list* proc (map car vars))))
    134 (defmacro (switch val . body)
    135   "Compare value to first element in each body statement, only running line where they are equal"
    136   (list* 'cond (map
    137                  @`((= ,val ,(car it)) ,(cadr it))
    138                  body)))
    140 ; TODO allow for improper lists
    141 ; TODO `(0 ,@1) => (0 . 1)
    142 (defmacro (quasiquote expr)
    143   "Recursively quote the given expression
    144   Automatically quotes each element within the expression, but evaluates the
    145   element if it is labeled with the unquote macro.
    146   Can be shortened with the ` prefix.
    147   Also see quote, unquote, and unquote-splice"
    148   (def (check form) ; TODO don't redefine functions every call
    149     (unless (and (pair? (cdr form)) (nil? (cddr form)))
    150       (error (car form) "invalid form " form)))
    151   (def (quasicons a d)
    152     (if (pair? d)
    153       (if (= (car d) 'quote)
    154         (if (and (pair? a) (= (car a) 'quote))
    155           (list 'quote (list* (cadr a) (cadr d)))
    156           (if (nil? (cadr d))
    157             (list 'list a)
    158             (list list* a d)))
    159         (if (member (car d) '(list list*))
    160           (list* (car d) a (cdr d))
    161           (list list* a d)))
    162       (list list* a d)))
    163   (recur f ((expr expr) (n 0))
    164     (cond
    165       ((nil? expr) Nil)
    166       ((atom? expr) (list 'quote expr))
    167       ((= (car expr) 'quasiquote)
    168        (check expr)
    169        (quasicons ''quasiquote (f (cdr x) (+ n 1))))
    170       ((= (car expr) 'unquote)
    171        (check expr)
    172        (if (= n 0)
    173          (cadr expr)
    174          (quasicons ''unquote (f (cdr expr) (- n 1)))))
    175       ((= (car expr) 'unquote-splice)
    176        (check expr)
    177        (if (= n 0)
    178          (error 'unquote-splice "invalid context for " (cadr expr))
    179          (quasicons ''unquote-splice (f (cdr expr) (- n 1)))))
    180       ((and (= n 0) (and (pair? (car expr)) (= (caar expr) 'unquote-splice)))
    181        (check (car expr))
    182        (let ((d (f (cdr expr) n)))
    183          (if d
    184            (list 'append (cadar expr) d)
    185            (cadar expr))))
    186       (else (quasicons (f (car expr) n) (f (cdr expr) n))))))
    188 (defmacro (unquote expr)
    189   "Unquote expression so its evaluated before placed into the quasiquote
    190   Can be shortened with the , prefix
    191   Errors if called outside quasiquote
    192   Also see quote, unquote, and unquote-splice"
    193   (error 'unquote "called outside of quasiquote"))
    194 (defmacro (unquote-splice expr)
    195   "Unquote and splice the expression into the quasiquote
    196   If the value evaluated is a list, embedded each element into the quasiquote
    197   Can be shortened with the ,@ prefix
    198   Errors if called outside a quasiquote of a list
    199   Also see quote, unquote, and unquote-splice"
    200   (error 'unquote-splice "called outside of quasiquote"))
    202 ;;; Logic
    204 (def False ())
    205 (def (not x)
    206   (if x Nil True))
    207 ; TODO logic func many arguments
    208 ; Use a macro so arguments aren't evaluated all at once
    209 (defmacro (and a b)
    210   "Return b if a is not nil, else return nil"
    211   (list 'if a b Nil))
    212 (defmacro (nand a b)
    213   "Not and, only true if both a and b are nil, else true"
    214   (list 'not (list 'and a b)))
    215 (defmacro (or a b)
    216   "Return a if not nil, else return b"
    217   (list 'if a a b))
    218 (defmacro (nor a b)
    219   "Not or, only nil if both a and b are not nil, else true"
    220   (list 'not (list 'or a b)))
    222 ;;; Lists
    224 (def (list* . lst)
    225   "Create improper list, last element is not Nil"
    226   (if (cdr lst)
    227     (cons (car lst) (apply list* (cdr lst)))
    228     (car lst)))
    230 (def (do  . body)
    231   "Evaluate each expression in body, returning last
    232   Also see do0"
    233   (last body))
    234 (def (do0 . body)
    235   "Evaluate each expression in body, returning first
    236   Also see do"
    237   (car body))
    239 (def (length lst)
    240   "Number of elements in given list"
    241   (recur f ((lst lst) (x 0))
    242          (if lst
    243            (f (cdr lst) (+ x 1))
    244            x)))
    246 (def (last lst)
    247   "Last element of list"
    248 ; recur loop ((lst lst) (n (if n (car n) 0)))
    249   (if (cdr lst)
    250     (last (cdr lst))
    251     (car lst)))
    253 ; TODO make nth generic for list str vec, made up of list-ref vec-ref str-ref
    254 (def (nth lst n)
    255   "Element number n of list, starting from 0
    256   If negative get number from end of list"
    257   (cond
    258     ((atom? lst)
    259      (error 'nth "index of list out of bounds"))
    260     ((< n 0) (nth lst (+ (length lst) n)))
    261     ((= n 0) (car lst))
    262     (else (nth (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
    264 ; TODO diff name head/tail since conflicts w/ unix
    265 ; TODO support negative numers like unix tail/head to count from end backwards
    266 (def (head lst n)
    267   "First n elements of list"
    268   (cond
    269     ((<= n 0) Nil)
    270     ((atom? lst)
    271      (error 'name "index of list out of bounds"))
    272     (else (cons (car lst) (head (cdr lst) (- n 1))))))
    274 (def (tail lst n)
    275   "Last n elements of list"
    276   (cond
    277     ((<= n 0) lst)
    278     ((atom? lst)
    279      (error 'tail "index of list out of bounds"))
    280     (else (tail (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
    282 (def (count elem lst) ; TODO swap arg order?
    283   (cond ((nil? lst) 0)
    284         ((atom? lst) (error 'count "expected proper list"))
    285         ((= elem (car lst)) (+ 1 (count elem (cdr lst))))
    286         (else (count elem (cdr lst)))))
    287         ; (else (Binary[(elem = car[lst])] + count[elem cdr[lst]]))
    289 (def (apply proc args) ; TODO many args
    290   "Run procedure with given arguments list"
    291   (eval (map @(list 'quote it) ; prevent proc and args from being evaluated twice
    292              (cons proc args))))
    294 ; TODO allow for map proc to access index and lst
    295 (def (map proc lst) ; TODO many lsts for proc w/ multi arguments
    296   "Evaluate each element of list by giving it to the procedure, returning new list"
    297   (if lst
    298     (cons (proc (car lst))
    299           (map proc (cdr lst)))
    300     Nil))
    302 (def (convert from to lst)
    303   "Convert every member from of list into to"
    304   (map @(if (= from it) to it) lst))
    306 ; TODO assoc memp procedure equivalent
    307 (def (assoc key table)
    308   "Return first list in table where the first element matches the key
    309   If not found, return nil"
    310   (cond ((nil? table) Nil)
    311         ((= key (caar table)) (car table))
    312         (else (assoc key (cdr table)))))
    314 (def (filter proc lst)
    315   "Only keep elements of list where applying proc returns true
    316   Also see keep, remove, member, memp"
    317   (cond
    318     ((not (pair? lst)) Nil)
    319     ((proc (car lst)) (cons (car lst) (filter proc (cdr lst))))
    320     (else (filter proc (cdr lst)))))
    322 ; TODO keep* remove*
    323 (def (keep elem lst)
    324   "Return list with only elements matching elem
    325   Also see filter, remove"
    326   (filter @(= elem it) lst))
    328 (def (remove elem lst)
    329   "Return list without elements matching elem
    330   Also see filter, keep"
    331   (filter @(/= elem it) lst))
    333 (def (memp proc lst)
    334   "Return list of elements after first time procedure applied to each is not nil
    335   Also see member, filter"
    336   (cond ((nil? lst) Nil)
    337         ((proc (car lst)) lst)
    338         (else (memp proc (cdr lst)))))
    340 (def (member elem lst)
    341   "Return list of elements after first matching elem
    342   Also see memp, filter"
    343   (memp @(= elem it) lst))
    345 (def (everyp? proc lst)
    346   "Return boolean if every element in list passes proc"
    347   (if (pair? lst)
    348     (if (proc (car lst))
    349       (everyp? proc (cdr lst))
    350       False)
    351     True))
    353 (def (every? elem lst)
    354   "Return boolean if every element in list is equal to elem"
    355   (everyp? @(= elem it) lst))
    357 (def (compose . procs)
    358   "Create function made from chaining procedures given"
    359   (cond
    360     ((nil? procs) (Func x x))
    361     ((nil? (cdr procs)) (car procs))
    362     (else
    363       (Func x
    364         ((car procs) (apply (apply compose (cdr procs)) x))))))
    366 (def (reverse lst)
    367   "Reverse order of list"
    368   (recur f ((in lst) (out Nil))
    369          (if (pair? in)
    370            (f (cdr in) (cons (car in) out))
    371            out)))
    373 ; TODO accept many lists to append
    374 (def (append x y)
    375   "Append list y to end of list x"
    376   (cond
    377     ((pair? x) (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y)))
    378     ((nil? x) y)
    379     (else (error 'append "expected proper list"))))
    381 ; TODO zip to proper pairs (def zip' (zip args (nil list)))
    382 (def (zip x y) ; TODO many args to create longer pairs
    383   "Create list of pairs made up of elements of both lists"
    384   (cond ((and (nil? x) (nil? y)) Nil)
    385         ((or (nil? x) (nil? y)) (error 'zip "given lists of unequal length"))
    386         ((and (pair? x) (pair? y))
    387          (cons (cons (car x) (car y))
    388                (zip (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
    390 ; English list element accessors
    391 (def rest cdr) ; TODO first and rest are generics for list, vec, str types
    392 (def first car) ; TODO rename func to new name
    393 (recur f ((n 1)
    394           (lst '(second third forth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth)))
    395   (when lst
    396     (eval `(def (,(car lst) x) (nth x ,n)))
    397     (f (+ n 1) (cdr lst))))
    399 ;;; Stacks
    401 (def (push stack val)
    402   "Add value to front of stack
    403   Also see push!, pop, peek"
    404   (cons val stack))
    406 (defmacro (push! stack val)
    407   "Add value to front of stack, modifying stack
    408   Also see push, pop!"
    409   `(set! ,stack (push ,stack ,val)))
    411 (def (pop stack)
    412   "Get stack without first element
    413   Also see pop!, push, peek"
    414   (if stack
    415     (cdr stack)
    416     (error 'pop "Improper stack")))
    418 (defmacro (pop! stack)
    419   "Get value at front of stack, removing value
    420   Also see pop, push!"
    421   `(do0
    422      (peek ,stack)
    423      (set! ,stack (pop ,stack))))
    425 (def (peek stack)
    426   "Get value at front of stack
    427   Also see push, pop"
    428   (if (pair? stack)
    429     (car stack)
    430     (error 'peak "Improper stack")))
    432 (def (swap stack)
    433   "Get stack where the first 2 values are swapped
    434   Also see swap!, push, pop, peek"
    435   (let ((x (peek stack))
    436         (y (peek (pop stack))))
    437     (push (push (pop (pop stack)) x) y)))
    439 ; TODO swap! use gen sym instead of x and y ?
    440 (defmacro (swap! stack)
    441   "Modify stack, swapping the first 2 values
    442   Also see swap, push!, pop!"
    443   `(let ((x (pop! ,stack))
    444          (y (pop! ,stack)))
    445      (set! ,stack (push (push ,stack x) y))))