
tiny lisp
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lib.tsp (11093B)

      1 (define (list . lst) lst)
      3 (define defmacro
      4   (macro (args . body)
      5          (list 'define (car args) (list 'macro (cdr args) . body))))
      7 ;;; CXR
      8 (define (caar x) (car (car x)))
      9 (define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
     10 (define (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))
     11 (define (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x)))
     12 (define (caaar x) (car (car (car x))))
     13 (define (caadr x) (car (car (cdr x))))
     14 (define (cadar x) (car (cdr (car x))))
     15 (define (caddr x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
     16 (define (cdaar x) (cdr (car (car x))))
     17 (define (cdadr x) (cdr (car (cdr x))))
     18 (define (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))
     19 (define (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
     20 (define (caaaar x) (car (car (car (car x)))))
     21 (define (caaadr x) (car (car (car (cdr x)))))
     22 (define (caadar x) (car (car (cdr (car x)))))
     23 (define (caaddr x) (car (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
     24 (define (cadaar x) (car (cdr (car (car x)))))
     25 (define (cadadr x) (car (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
     26 (define (caddar x) (car (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
     27 (define (cadddr x) (car (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
     28 (define (cdaaar x) (cdr (car (car (car x)))))
     29 (define (cdaadr x) (cdr (car (car (cdr x)))))
     30 (define (cdadar x) (cdr (car (cdr (car x)))))
     31 (define (cdaddr x) (cdr (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
     32 (define (cddaar x) (cdr (cdr (car (car x)))))
     33 (define (cddadr x) (cdr (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
     34 (define (cdddar x) (cdr (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
     35 (define (cddddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
     37 ;;; Types
     38 (define (any? x)       t)
     39 (define (void? x)      (= (typeof x) "void"))
     40 (define (nil? x)       (= (typeof x) "nil"))
     41 (define  empty?        nil?)
     42 (define (integer? x)   (= (typeof x) "integer"))
     43 (define (decimal? x)   (= (typeof x) "decimal"))
     44 (define (ratio? x)     (= (typeof x) "ratio"))
     45 (define (string? x)    (= (typeof x) "string"))
     46 (define (symbol? x)    (= (typeof x) "symbol"))
     47 (define (primitive? x) (= (typeof x) "primitive"))
     48 (define (function? x)  (= (typeof x) "function"))
     49 (define (macro? x)     (= (typeof x) "macro"))
     50 (define (pair? x)      (= (typeof x) "pair"))
     51 (define (atom? x)      (not (pair? x)))
     52 (define (cons? x)      (and (pair? x) (not (pair? (cdr x)))))
     53 (define (list? x)      (if (pair? x) (list? (cdr x)) (not x)))
     54 (define (boolean? x)   (or (= x t) (nil? x)))
     55 (define (true? x)      (= x t))
     56 (define  false?        nil?)
     57 (define (procedure? x) (or (primitive? x) (or (function? x) (macro? x))))
     58 (define (rational? x)  (or (integer? x) (ratio? x)))
     59 (define (number? x)    (or (rational? x) (decimal? x)))
     61 (define (bool x) (if x t nil))
     62 ; TODO handle string and sym
     63 (define (pair x)
     64   (cond
     65     ((rational? x)
     66      (cons (numerator x)
     67            (denominator x)))
     68     ((decimal? x)
     69      (cons (integer (truncate x))
     70            (- x (truncate x))))
     71     ((or (void? x) (nil? x) (pair? x)) x)
     72     (else (list x))))
     74 (defmacro (assert expr)
     75   `(unless ,expr
     76         (error 'assert "assertion " ',expr " failed")))
     78 ; TODO support any sized list n depending on size of optional val
     79 (define (default n val)
     80   (cond
     81     ((nil? n) val)
     82     ((and (pair? n) (nil? (cdr n)))
     83      (car n))
     84     (else (error 'default "expected only 1 optional argument"))))
     86 ;;; Control Flow
     87 ; TODO if b = pair and car b = else use cdr b
     88 (defmacro (if con a b)
     89   (list 'cond (list con a) (list t b)))
     90 (define else t)
     91 (defmacro (when con . body)
     92   (list 'cond (list con (cons 'do body))))
     93 (defmacro (unless con . body)
     94   (list 'cond (list (list not con) (cons 'do body))))
     96 (defmacro (let vars . body)
     97   (list (list* 'lambda ()
     98                (append
     99                  (map
    100                    (lambda (x)
    101                      (list* 'define (car x) (cdr x)))
    102                    vars)
    103                  body))))
    105 (defmacro (recur proc vars . body)
    106   (list 'let
    107         (list*
    108           (list proc (list* 'lambda (map car vars) body))
    109           vars)
    110         (list* proc (map car vars))))
    112 (defmacro (switch val . body)
    113   (list* 'cond (map
    114                  (lambda (line)
    115                    `((= ,val ,(car line)) ,(cadr line)))
    116                  body)))
    118 ; TODO allow for improper lists
    119 (defmacro (quasiquote x)
    120   (define (check x)
    121     (unless (and (pair? (cdr x)) (nil? (cddr x)))
    122       (error (car x) "invalid form " x)))
    123   (define (quasicons a d)
    124     (if (pair? d)
    125       (if (= (car d) 'quote)
    126         (if (and (pair? a) (= (car a) 'quote))
    127           (list 'quote (list* (cadr a) (cadr d)))
    128           (if (nil? (cadr d))
    129             (list 'list a)
    130             (list list* a d)))
    131         (if (member (car d) '(list list*))
    132           (list* (car d) a (cdr d))
    133           (list list* a d)))
    134       (list list* a d)))
    135   (recur f ((x x))
    136          (cond
    137            ((atom? x) (list 'quote x))
    138            ((= (car x) 'unquote)
    139             (check x)
    140             (cadr x))
    141            (else (quasicons (f (car x)) (f (cdr x)))))))
    143 (defmacro (unquote x) (list error ''unquote "called outside of quasiquote"))
    145 ;;; Logic
    146 (define true t)
    147 (define false ())
    148 (define (not x)
    149   (if x nil t))
    150 ; TODO logic func many arguments
    151 ; Use a macro so arguments aren't evaluated all at once
    152 (defmacro (and a b)
    153   (list 'if a b nil))
    154 (defmacro (nand a b)
    155   (list 'not (list 'and a b)))
    156 (defmacro (or a b)
    157   (list 'if a a b))
    158 (defmacro (nor a b)
    159   (list 'not (list 'or a b)))
    161 ;;; Lists
    162 (define (list* . lst)
    163   (if (cdr lst)
    164     (cons (car lst) (apply list* (cdr lst)))
    165     (car lst)))
    167 (define (do  . body) (last body))
    168 (define (do0 . body) (car body))
    170 (define (length lst)
    171   (recur f ((lst lst) (x 0))
    172          (if lst
    173            (f (cdr lst) (+ x 1))
    174            x)))
    176 (define (last lst)
    177 ; recur loop ((lst lst) (n (if n (car n) 0)))
    178   (if (cdr lst)
    179     (last (cdr lst))
    180     (car lst)))
    182 ; TODO make nth generic for list str vec, made up of list-ref vec-ref str-ref
    183 (define (nth lst n)
    184   (cond
    185     ((atom? lst)
    186      (error 'nth "index of list out of bounds"))
    187     ((<= n 0) (car lst))
    188     (else (nth (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
    190 ; TODO diff name head/tail since conflicts w/ unix
    191 ; TODO support negative numers like unix tail/head to count from end backwards
    192 (define (head lst n)
    193   (cond
    194     ((<= n 0) nil)
    195     ((atom? lst)
    196      (error 'name "index of list out of bounds"))
    197     (else (cons (car lst) (head (cdr lst) (- n 1))))))
    199 (define (tail lst n)
    200   (cond
    201     ((<= n 0) lst)
    202     ((atom? lst)
    203      (error 'tail "index of list out of bounds"))
    204     (else (tail (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
    206 (define (count x lst)
    207   (cond ((nil? lst) 0)
    208         ((atom? lst) (error 'count "expected proper list"))
    209         ((= x (car lst)) (+ 1 (count x (cdr lst))))
    210         (else (count x (cdr lst)))))
    212 ; TODO many args
    213 (define (apply proc args)
    214   (eval (map (lambda (x) ; prevent args from being evaluated twice
    215                (list 'quote x))
    216              (cons proc args))))
    218 ; TODO many lsts for proc w/ multi arguments
    219 (define (map proc lst)
    220   (if lst
    221     (cons (proc (car lst))
    222           (map proc (cdr lst)))
    223     nil))
    225 (define (filter proc lst)
    226   (cond
    227     ((not (pair? lst)) nil)
    228     ((proc (car lst)) (cons (car lst) (filter proc (cdr lst))))
    229     (else (filter proc (cdr lst)))))
    231 (define (compose . procs)
    232   (cond
    233     ((nil? procs) (lambda x x))
    234     ((nil? (cdr procs)) (car procs))
    235     (else
    236       (lambda x
    237         ((car procs) (apply (apply compose (cdr procs)) x))))))
    239 (define (reverse l)
    240   (recur f ((in l) (out nil))
    241          (if (pair? in)
    242            (f (cdr in) (cons (car in) out))
    243            out)))
    245 ; TODO accept many lists to append
    246 (define (append x y)
    247   (cond
    248     ((pair? x) (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y)))
    249     ((nil? x) y)
    250     (else (error 'append "expected proper list"))))
    252 (define (zip x y)
    253   (cond ((and (nil? x) (nil? y)) nil)
    254         ((or (nil? x) (nil? y)) (error 'zip "given lists of unequal length"))
    255         ((and (pair? x) (pair? y))
    256          (cons (cons (car x) (car y))
    257                (zip (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
    259 ; TODO assoc optional equal? arg
    260 (define (assoc key table)
    261   (cond ((nil? table) nil)
    262         ((= key (caar table)) (car table))
    263         (else (assoc key (cdr table)))))
    265 (define (memp proc lst)
    266   (cond ((nil? lst) nil)
    267         ((proc (car lst)) lst)
    268         (else (memp proc (cdr lst)))))
    270 (define (member mem lst)
    271   (memp (lambda (x) (= mem x)) lst))
    273 ; define English list element accessors
    274 (define rest cdr) ; TODO first and rest are generics for list, vec, str types
    275 (define first car)
    276 (let (((def name count)
    277        (list 'define (list name 'x) (list 'nth 'x count))))
    278   (recur f ((n 1)
    279             (lst '(second third forth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth)))
    280          (when lst
    281            (eval (def (car lst) n))
    282            (f (+ n 1) (cdr lst)))))
    284 ;;; Stacks
    285 (define (push stack val)
    286   (cons val stack))
    288 (defmacro (push! stack val)
    289   `(set! ,stack (push ,stack ,val)))
    291 (define pop cdr)
    293 (defmacro (pop! stack)
    294   `(do0
    295      (peek ,stack)
    296      (set! ,stack (pop ,stack))))
    298 (define peek car)
    300 (define (swap stack)
    301   (let ((x (peek stack))
    302         (y (peek (pop stack))))
    303     (push (push (pop (pop stack)) x) y)))
    305 ; TODO swap! use gen sym instead of x and y ?
    306 (defmacro (swap! stack)
    307   `(let ((x (pop! ,stack))
    308          (y (pop! ,stack)))
    309      (set! ,stack (push (push ,stack x) y))))
    311 ;;; Math
    312 (define pi (* 4 (arctan 1.)))
    313 (define tau (* 2 pi))
    314 (define e (exp 1.))
    316 (define (inc x) (+ x 1))
    317 (define (dec x) (- x 1))
    318 (define (truncate x) (* (floor (abs x)) (sgn x)))
    319 (define (sqr x) (* x x))
    320 (define (cube x) (* x (* x x)))
    321 (define (root b p) (^ b (/ p)))
    322 (define (sqrt x) (root x 2))
    323 (define (cbrt x) (root x 3))
    324 (define (logb b x) (/ (log x) (log b)))
    325 (define (log10 x) (logb 10. x))
    327 (defmacro (++ x . n)
    328   `(set! ,x (+ ,x ,(default n 1))))
    329 (defmacro (-- x . n)
    330   `(set! ,x (- ,x ,(default n 1))))
    332 ; inverse trig functions
    333 (define (csc x)     (/ (sin x)))
    334 (define (arccsc x)  (/ (arcsin x)))
    335 (define (csch x)    (/ (sinh x)))
    336 (define (arccsch x) (/ (arcsinh x)))
    337 (define (sec x)     (/ (cos x)))
    338 (define (arcsec x)  (/ (arccos x)))
    339 (define (sech x)    (/ (cosh x)))
    340 (define (arcsech x) (/ (arccosh x)))
    341 (define (cot x)     (/ (tan x)))
    342 (define (arccot x)  (/ (arctan x)))
    343 (define (coth x)    (/ (tanh x)))
    344 (define (arccoth x) (/ (arctanh x)))
    346 (define (abs x) (if (>= x 0) x (- x)))
    347 (define (sgn x) (if (= x 0) x (/ (abs x) x)))
    348 ; TODO many args
    349 (define (max a b) (if (> a b) a b))
    350 (define (min a b) (if (< a b) a b))
    352 (define (positive? x) (> x 0))
    353 (define (negative? x) (< x 0))
    354 (define (zero? x) (= x 0))
    355 (define (even? x) (= (mod x 2) 0))
    356 (define (odd? x)  (= (mod x 2) 1))
    358 (define (dot x y)
    359   (if x
    360     (+ (* (car x) (car y))
    361        (dot (cdr x) (cdr y)))
    362     0))
    364 (define (! n)
    365   (if (= n 1)
    366     1
    367     (* n (! (- n 1)))))
    369 ;;; IO
    370 (define (run file) (eval (parse (read file))))
    371 (define (print . str) (apply write (list* 'stdout nil str)))
    372 (define (newline . file)
    373   (if (or (nil? file) (nil? (cdr file)))
    374     (write (car (or file '(stdout))) file "\n")
    375     (error 'newline "only zero or one file can be given")))
    377 (define (display . str)
    378   (map (lambda (s)
    379          (cond
    380            ((string? s) (print "\"" s "\""))
    381            ((true? s)   (print s)) ; don't print 't since it's self evaluating
    382            ((symbol? s) (print "'" s))
    383            ((pair? s)   (print "'" s))
    384            (else        (print s))))
    385        str))
    386 (define (displayln . str) (apply display str) (newline))
    387 (define (println . str)   (apply print str) (newline))