
tiny lisp
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math.c (8096B)

      1 /* zlib License
      2  *
      3  * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Ed van Bruggen
      4  *
      5  * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
      6  * warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
      7  * arising from the use of this software.
      8  *
      9  * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
     10  * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
     11  * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
     12  *
     13  * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
     14  *    claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
     15  *    in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
     16  *    appreciated but is not required.
     17  * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
     18  *    misrepresented as being the original software.
     19  * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
     20  */
     21 #include <assert.h>
     22 #include <math.h>
     23 #include <stdio.h>
     24 #include <stdlib.h>
     26 #include "../tisp.h"
     28 #define EVAL_CHECK(A, V, NAME, TYPE) do {  \
     29 	if (!(A = tisp_eval(st, vars, V))) \
     30 		return NULL;               \
     31 	tsp_arg_type(A, NAME, TYPE);       \
     32 } while(0)
     34 static Val
     35 prim_numerator(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
     36 {
     37 	Val a;
     38 	tsp_arg_num(args, "numerator", 1);
     39 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "numerator", RATIONAL);
     40 	return mk_int(num(a));
     41 }
     43 static Val
     44 prim_denominator(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
     45 {
     46 	Val a;
     47 	tsp_arg_num(args, "denominator", 1);
     48 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "denominator", RATIONAL);
     49 	return mk_int(den(a));
     50 }
     52 /* wrapper functions to be returned by mk_num, all need same arguments */
     53 static Val
     54 create_int(double num, double den)
     55 {
     56 	assert(den == 1);
     57 	return mk_int(num);
     58 }
     60 static Val
     61 create_dec(double num, double den)
     62 {
     63 	assert(den == 1);
     64 	return mk_dec(num);
     65 }
     67 static Val
     68 create_rat(double num, double den)
     69 {
     70 	return mk_rat(num, den);
     71 }
     73 /* return pointer to one of the preceding functions depending on what
     74  * number should be created by the following arithmetic functions
     75  * force arg is used to force number to one type:
     76  *   0 -> no force, 1 -> force ratio/int, 2 -> force decimal */
     77 static Val
     78 (*mk_num(Type a, Type b, int force))(double, double)
     79 {
     80 	if (force == 1)
     81 		return &create_rat;
     82 	if (force == 2)
     83 		return &create_dec;
     84 	if (a & DECIMAL || b & DECIMAL)
     85 		return &create_dec;
     86 	if (a & RATIO || b & RATIO)
     87 		return &create_rat;
     88 	return &create_int;
     89 }
     91 #define PRIM_ROUND(NAME, FORCE)                                      \
     92 static Val                                                           \
     93 prim_##NAME(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)                             \
     94 {                                                                    \
     95 	Val a;                                                       \
     96 	tsp_arg_num(args, #NAME, 1);                                 \
     97 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), #NAME, NUMBER);                     \
     98 	return (mk_num(a->t, a->t, FORCE))(NAME(num(a)/den(a)), 1.); \
     99 }
    101 /* define int and dec as identity functions to use them in the same macro */
    102 #define integer(X) (X)
    103 PRIM_ROUND(integer,   1)
    104 #undef integer
    105 #define decimal(X) (X)
    106 PRIM_ROUND(decimal,   2)
    107 #undef decimal
    108 PRIM_ROUND(round, 0)
    109 PRIM_ROUND(floor, 0)
    110 PRIM_ROUND(ceil,  0)
    112 static Val
    113 prim_add(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
    114 {
    115 	Val a, b;
    116 	tsp_arg_num(args, "+", 2);
    117 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "+", NUMBER);
    118 	EVAL_CHECK(b, car(cdr(args)), "+", NUMBER);
    119 	if (a->t & DECIMAL || b->t & DECIMAL)
    120 		return mk_dec((num(a)/den(a)) + (num(b)/den(b)));
    121 	return (mk_num(a->t, b->t, 0))
    122 		(num(a) * den(b) + den(a) * num(b),
    123 		 den(a) * den(b));
    124 }
    126 static Val
    127 prim_sub(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
    128 {
    129 	Val a, b;
    130 	int len = list_len(args);
    131 	if (len != 2 && len != 1)
    132 		tsp_warnf("-: expected 1 or 2 arguments, recieved %d", len);
    133 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "-", NUMBER);
    134 	if (len == 1) {
    135 		b = a;
    136 		a = mk_int(0);
    137 	} else {
    138 		EVAL_CHECK(b, car(cdr(args)), "-", NUMBER);
    139 	}
    140 	if (a->t & DECIMAL || b->t & DECIMAL)
    141 		return mk_dec((num(a)/den(a)) - (num(b)/den(b)));
    142 	return (mk_num(a->t, b->t, 0))
    143 		(num(a) * den(b) - den(a) * num(b),
    144 		 den(a) * den(b));
    145 }
    147 static Val
    148 prim_mul(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
    149 {
    150 	Val a, b;
    151 	tsp_arg_num(args, "*", 2);
    152 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "*", NUMBER);
    153 	EVAL_CHECK(b, car(cdr(args)), "*", NUMBER);
    154 	if (a->t & DECIMAL || b->t & DECIMAL)
    155 		return mk_dec((num(a)/den(a)) * (num(b)/den(b)));
    156 	return (mk_num(a->t, b->t, 0))(num(a) * num(b), den(a) * den(b));
    158 }
    160 static Val
    161 prim_div(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
    162 {
    163 	Val a, b;
    164 	int len = list_len(args);
    165 	if (len != 2 && len != 1)
    166 		tsp_warnf("/: expected 1 or 2 arguments, recieved %d", len);
    167 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "/", NUMBER);
    168 	if (len == 1) {
    169 		b = a;
    170 		a = mk_int(1);
    171 	} else {
    172 		EVAL_CHECK(b, car(cdr(args)), "/", NUMBER);
    173 	}
    174 	if (a->t & DECIMAL || b->t & DECIMAL)
    175 		return mk_dec((num(a)/den(a)) / (num(b)/den(b)));
    176 	return (mk_num(a->t, b->t, 1))(num(a) * den(b), den(a) * num(b));
    177 }
    179 static Val
    180 prim_mod(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
    181 {
    182 	Val a, b;
    183 	tsp_arg_num(args, "mod", 2);
    184 	EVAL_CHECK(a, car(args), "mod", INTEGER);
    185 	EVAL_CHECK(b, car(cdr(args)), "mod", INTEGER);
    186 	if (num(b) == 0)
    187 		tsp_warn("division by zero");
    188 	return mk_int((int)num(a) % abs((int)num(b)));
    189 }
    191 /* TODO if given function as 2nd arg run it on first arg */
    192 static Val
    193 prim_pow(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)
    194 {
    195 	double bnum, bden;
    196 	Val b, p;
    197 	tsp_arg_num(args, "pow", 2);
    198 	EVAL_CHECK(b, car(args), "pow", EXPRESSION);
    199 	EVAL_CHECK(p, car(cdr(args)), "pow", EXPRESSION);
    200 	bnum = pow(num(b), num(p)/den(p));
    201 	bden = pow(den(b), num(p)/den(p));
    202 	if ((bnum == (int)bnum && bden == (int)bden) ||
    203 	     b->t & DECIMAL || p->t & DECIMAL)
    204 		return mk_num(b->t, p->t, 0)(bnum, bden);
    205 	return mk_pair(mk_sym(st, "^"), mk_pair(b, mk_pair(p, st->nil)));
    206 }
    208 #define PRIM_COMPARE(NAME, OP)                     \
    209 static Val                                         \
    210 prim_##NAME(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)           \
    211 {                                                  \
    212 	Val v;                                     \
    213 	if (!(v = tisp_eval_list(st, vars, args))) \
    214 		return NULL;                       \
    215 	if (list_len(v) != 2)                      \
    216 		return st->t;                      \
    217 	tsp_arg_type(car(v), #OP, NUMBER);         \
    218 	tsp_arg_type(car(cdr(v)), #OP, NUMBER);    \
    219 	return ((num(car(v))*den(car(cdr(v)))) OP  \
    220 		(num(car(cdr(v)))*den(car(v)))) ?  \
    221 		st->t : st->nil;                   \
    222 }
    224 PRIM_COMPARE(lt,  <)
    225 PRIM_COMPARE(gt,  >)
    226 PRIM_COMPARE(lte, <=)
    227 PRIM_COMPARE(gte, >=)
    229 #define PRIM_TRIG(NAME)                                         \
    230 static Val                                                      \
    231 prim_##NAME(Tsp st, Hash vars, Val args)                        \
    232 {                                                               \
    233 	Val v;                                                  \
    234 	tsp_arg_num(args, #NAME, 1);                            \
    235 	EVAL_CHECK(v, car(args), #NAME, EXPRESSION);            \
    236 	if (v->t & DECIMAL)                                     \
    237 		return mk_dec(NAME(num(v)));                    \
    238 	return mk_pair(mk_sym(st, #NAME), mk_pair(v, st->nil)); \
    239 }
    241 PRIM_TRIG(sin)
    242 PRIM_TRIG(cos)
    243 PRIM_TRIG(tan)
    244 PRIM_TRIG(sinh)
    245 PRIM_TRIG(cosh)
    246 PRIM_TRIG(tanh)
    247 PRIM_TRIG(asin)
    248 PRIM_TRIG(acos)
    249 PRIM_TRIG(atan)
    250 PRIM_TRIG(asinh)
    251 PRIM_TRIG(acosh)
    252 PRIM_TRIG(atanh)
    253 PRIM_TRIG(exp)
    254 PRIM_TRIG(log)
    256 void
    257 tib_env_math(Tsp st)
    258 {
    259 	tsp_env_fn(numerator);
    260 	tsp_env_fn(denominator);
    262 	tsp_env_fn(integer);
    263 	tsp_env_fn(decimal);
    264 	tsp_env_fn(floor);
    265 	tsp_env_fn(ceil);
    266 	tsp_env_fn(round);
    268 	tsp_env_name_fn(+, add);
    269 	tsp_env_name_fn(-, sub);
    270 	tsp_env_name_fn(*, mul);
    271 	tsp_env_name_fn(/, div);
    272 	tsp_env_fn(mod);
    273 	tsp_env_name_fn(^, pow);
    275 	tsp_env_name_fn(<,  lt);
    276 	tsp_env_name_fn(>,  gt);
    277 	tsp_env_name_fn(<=, lte);
    278 	tsp_env_name_fn(>=, gte);
    280 	tsp_env_fn(sin);
    281 	tsp_env_fn(cos);
    282 	tsp_env_fn(tan);
    283 	tsp_env_fn(sinh);
    284 	tsp_env_fn(cosh);
    285 	tsp_env_fn(tanh);
    286 	tsp_env_name_fn(arcsin,  asin);
    287 	tsp_env_name_fn(arccos,  acos);
    288 	tsp_env_name_fn(arctan,  atan);
    289 	tsp_env_name_fn(arcsinh, asinh);
    290 	tsp_env_name_fn(arccosh, acosh);
    291 	tsp_env_name_fn(arctanh, atanh);
    292 	tsp_env_fn(exp);
    293 	tsp_env_fn(log);
    294 }