commit 08bca8469e757b557fad6932bc082d1765a72fdd
parent b3de9853f31a85f08af6c60cbc333940be611581
Author: Ed van Bruggen <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2016 17:26:57 -0700
Config.h: Add dwm config.h file
config.h/dwm.config.h | | | 165 | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
1 file changed, 165 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/config.h/dwm.config.h b/config.h/dwm.config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
+/* appearance */
+static const char *fonts[] = {
+ "siji:pixelsize=12",
+ "FantasqueSansMono:pixelsize=18"
+static const char dmenufont[] = "monospace:size=10";
+static const char normbordercolor[] = "#002b36";
+static const char normbgcolor[] = "#073642";
+static const char normfgcolor[] = "#93A1A1";
+static const char selbordercolor[] = "#268bd2";
+static const char selbgcolor[] = "#268bd2";
+static const char selfgcolor[] = "#eee8d5";
+static const char normmarkcolor[] = "#859900"; /*border color for marked client*/
+static const char selmarkcolor[] = "#2aa198"; /*border color for marked client on focus*/
+static const unsigned int borderpx = 1; /* border pixel of windows */
+static const unsigned int gappx = 1; /* gap pixel between windows */
+static const unsigned int snap = 32; /* snap pixel */
+static const int showbar = 1; /* 0 means no bar */
+static const int topbar = 1; /* 0 means bottom bar */
+/* tagging */
+static const char *tags[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" };
+static const Rule rules[] = {
+ /* class instance title tags mask isfloating monitor */
+ { "bar", NULL, "bar", 0, 1, -1 },
+/* layout(s) */
+static const float mfact = 0.55; /* factor of master area size [0.05..0.95] */
+static const int nmaster = 1; /* number of clients in master area */
+static const int resizehints = 0; /* 1 means respect size hints in tiled resizals */
+#include "htile.c"
+#include "deck.c"
+#include "centered.c"
+#include "fibonacci.c"
+#include "gaplessgrid.c"
+#include "horizgrid.c"
+static const Layout layouts[] = {
+ /* symbol arrange function */
+ { "", tile },
+ { "", NULL }, /* floating */
+ { "", htile },
+ { "D ", deck },
+ { "[o]", centered },
+ { "", spiral },
+ { "", dwindle },
+ { "", gaplessgrid },
+ { "", horizgrid },
+ { "", monocle },
+/* key definitions */
+#define MODKEY Mod4Mask
+#define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
+ { MODKEY, KEY, view, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, KEY, tag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, KEY, toggletag, {.ui = 1 << TAG} },
+/* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
+#define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
+/* commands */
+static char dmenumon[2] = "0"; /* component of dmenucmd, manipulated in spawn() */
+static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "", NULL };
+static const char *termcmd[] = { "tabbed", "-c", "st", "-w", NULL };
+static const char *calcmd[] = { "gsimplecal", NULL };
+#include "push.c"
+#include "shiftview.c"
+static Key keys[] = {
+ /* modifier key function argument */
+ { MODKEY, XK_z, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_t, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_b, togglebar, {0} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_l, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_h, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_l, pushdown, {0} },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_h, pushup, {0} },
+ { MODKEY|Mod1Mask, XK_l, shiftview, {.i = +1 } },
+ { MODKEY|Mod1Mask, XK_h, shiftview, {.i = -1 } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_i, incnmaster, {.i = +1 } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_d, incnmaster, {.i = -1 } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_j, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_k, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_j, setcfact, {.f = +0.25} },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_k, setcfact, {.f = -0.25} },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_o, setcfact, {.f = 0.00} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_Tab, view, {0} },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_x, killclient, {0} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_semicolon,togglemark, {0} },
+ { Mod1Mask, XK_Tab, swapfocus, {0} },
+ { Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, XK_Tab, swapclient, {0} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_t, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[0]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_f, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[1]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_h, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_d, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[3]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_c, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[4]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_s, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[5]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, XK_s, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[6]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_g, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[7]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask|ShiftMask, XK_g, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[8]} },
+ { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_m, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[9]} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_space, setlayout, {0} },
+ { Mod1Mask, XK_space, togglefloating, {0} },
+ { MODKEY, XK_0, view, {.ui = ~0 } },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_0, tag, {.ui = ~0 } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
+ { MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
+ TAGKEYS( XK_1, 0)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_2, 1)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_3, 2)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_4, 3)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_5, 4)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_6, 5)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_7, 6)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_8, 7)
+ TAGKEYS( XK_9, 8)
+ { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, quit, {0} },
+/* button definitions */
+/* click can be ClkLtSymbol, ClkStatusText, ClkWinTitle, ClkClientWin, or ClkRootWin */
+static Button buttons[] = {
+ /* click event mask button function argument */
+ { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button1, setlayout, {0} },
+ { ClkLtSymbol, 0, Button3, setlayout, {.v = &layouts[2]} },
+ { ClkWinTitle, 0, Button2, zoom, {0} },
+ { ClkStatusText, 0, Button1, spawn, {.v = calcmd } },
+ { ClkClientWin, Mod1Mask, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
+ { ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button2, togglefloating, {0} },
+ { ClkClientWin, Mod1Mask, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
+ { ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
+ { ClkTagBar, 0, Button3, toggleview, {0} },
+ { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button1, tag, {0} },
+ { ClkTagBar, MODKEY, Button3, toggletag, {0} },
+#define NUMCOLORS 8
+static const char colors[NUMCOLORS][MAXCOLORS][8] = {
+ // border fg bg
+ { "#002b36", "#93A1A1", "#073642" }, // normal
+ { "#268bd2", "#eee8d5", "#268bd2" }, // selected
+ { "#002b36", "#b58900", "#073642" }, // yellow
+ { "#002b36", "#cb4b16", "#073642" }, // orange
+ { "#002b36", "#dc322f", "#073642" }, // red
+ { "#002b36", "#d33682", "#073642" }, // pink
+ { "#002b36", "#6c71c4", "#073642" }, // violet
+ /* { "#002b36", "#268bd2", "#073642" }, // blue */
+ /* { "#002b36", "#2aa198", "#073642" }, // cyan */
+ { "#002b36", "#859900", "#073642" } // green