
config files for my linux setup
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commit 0976514ba8c278fb3cadadfd54fa5bd72c3d8b0f
parent 648ec1d20ad28051a7cef5bfc14f364347fe3718
Author: Ed van Bruggen <>
Date:   Fri,  8 Jan 2021 12:58:21 -0800

vim: Change line limit to 100 characters

vimrc | 18+++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc @@ -52,11 +52,20 @@ let g:netrw_bufsettings = 'noma nomod nu nobl nowrap ro' let g:rainbow_conf = { \ 'guifgs': ['royalblue3', 'darkorange3', 'seagreen3', 'firebrick'], - \ 'ctermfgs': ['red', 'darkred', 'red', 'darkred'], + \ 'ctermfgs': ['red', 'darkred', 'brown'], \ 'operators': '_,_', \ 'parentheses': ['start=/(/ end=/)/ fold', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/ fold', 'start=/{/ end=/}/ fold'], \ 'separately': { \ '*': {}, + \ 'markdown': { + \ 'parentheses_options': 'containedin=markdownCode contained', + \ }, + \ 'lisp': { + \ 'ctermfgs': ['darkred', 'darkmagenta', 'darkcyan', 'darkgreen', 'darkblue', 'magenta'], + \ }, + \ 'tisp': { + \ 'ctermfgs': ['darkred', 'darkmagenta', 'brown', 'darkgreen', 'darkblue', 'magenta'], + \ }, \ 'vim': { \ 'parentheses': ['start=/(/ end=/)/', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/', 'start=/{/ end=/}/ fold', 'start=/(/ end=/)/ containedin=vimFuncBody', 'start=/\[/ end=/\]/ containedin=vimFuncBody', 'start=/{/ end=/}/ fold containedin=vimFuncBody'], \ }, @@ -157,7 +166,7 @@ set mouse=a " turn on the mouse set nrformats=octal,hex,alpha " allow you to ctrl-a/ctrl-x to increase/decrease letters and numbers set scrolloff=7 " make Vim have 7 lines below cursor when moving down set t_ut= " needed if using Vim inside of tmux -set textwidth=79 " set what line to wrap charters at. +set textwidth=98 " wrap lines which exceed 100 charters long set ttimeoutlen=50 " change wait time for `timeout` set spell spelllang=en_us " set language for spell check to United States set clipboard=unnamedplus " Vim yanks go to OS's clipboard as well @@ -201,8 +210,8 @@ while c <= 'z' endw " highlighting{{{1 -" highlight the 81st column so you know when your line is to long -call matchadd('Error', '\%81v', 100) +" highlight the 100th column so you know when your line is to long +call matchadd('Error', '\%100v', 100) au BufRead,BufNewFile *.md set filetype=markdown au BufRead,BufNewFile *bash_profile* set filetype=sh @@ -356,4 +365,3 @@ inoremap $$ $$<Left> inoremap %% %%<Left> inoremap /* /* */<Left><Left><Left> -