
some of my neat stuff
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      2   - [ "There is no terror in a bang, only in the anticipation of it", "Alfred Hitchcock" ]
      3   - [ "It seems that perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to subtract" ]
      4   - [ "Remember to always be yourself... Unless you suck", "Josh Whedon" ]
      5   - [ "Those who do not move, do not notice their chains", "Rosa Luxemburg" ]
      6   - [ "Ought implies can" ]
      7   - [ "Very little matters much, and most things don't matter at all" ]
      8   - [ "The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried", "Stephen McCranie" ]
      9   - [ "Achieving perfection is hard, but remaining perfect, that's impossible" ]
     10   - [ "The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough to those who have too little" ]
     11   - [ "Creativity is the ability to hide your sources" ]
     12   - [ "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea", "Antoine de Saint–Exupéry" ]
     13   - [ "Years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute", "Edgar Allan Poe" ]
     14   - [ "You don't have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm" ]
     15   - [ "We judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions" ]
     16   - [ "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for" ]
     17   - [ "Hard work beats talent when talent stops working hard" ]
     18   - [ "Between youth and wisdom lies a chasm that words alone can never cross" ]
     19   - [ "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourselves" ]
     20   - [ "How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it's just words", "David Foster Wallace" ]
     21   - [ "The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greener where you choose to water it" ]
     22   - [ "It's easier to fool people than it is to convince people they have been fooled", "Mark Twain" ]
     23   - [ "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches", "Dita Von Teese" ]
     24   - [ "Being a professional means doing your job on the days you don't feel like doing it", "David Halberstram" ]
     25   - [ "Suffer the pain of discipline, or suffer the pain of regret", "Jim Rohn" ]
     26   - [ "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in" ]
     27   - [ "Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75", "Benjamin Franklin" ]
     28   - [ "Life is just a death with a story behind it" ]
     29   - [ "Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt" ]
     30   - [ "Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: the fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate", "Bertrand Russell" ]
     31   - [ "The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom", "Isaac Asimov" ]
     32   - [ "People who are brutally honest generally enjoy the brutality more than the honesty", "Richard Needham" ]
     33   - [ "One of the cruelest things you can do to another person is pretend you care about them more than you really do", "Douglas Coupland" ]
     34   - [ "To look at people in capitalist society and conclude that human nature is egoism, is like looking at people in a factory where pollution is destroying their lungs and saying that it is human nature to cough", "Andrew Collier" ]
     35   - [ "Choose a major you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life, because that field probably isn't hiring" ]
     36   - [ "Great minds think a like, but fools seldom differ" ]
     37   - [ "Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as in ancient Greek republics: freedom for slave owners", "Vladimir Lenin" ]
     38   - [ "I have no country to fight for: my country is the earth and I am a citizen of the world", "Eugene V Debs" ]
     39   - [ "The leaders come and go, but the people remain. Only the people are immortal", "I.V. Dzhugashvili" ]
     40   - [ "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere", "Voltaire" ]
     41   - [ "There are just two classes in this world. One owns tools it cannot use, and the other uses tools it does not own", "Eugene Debs" ]
     42   - [ "If it takes less than five minutes, just do it now" ]
     43   - [ "An amateur practices until he can play it correctly, a professional practices until he can't play it incorrectly" ]
     44   - [ "When you are torn between two choices, always pick the one that will make the best story" ]
     45   - [ "How you live each day is how you live your life" ]
     46   - [ "Only boring people are bored" ]
     47   - [ "Every revolution is impossible until it happens. At that point, all agree that it was inevitable" ]
     48   - [ "Hydrogen is a colourless, odorless gas, which if left alone in large enough quantities, for long enough, will begin to think about itself" ]
     49   - [ "Trying is the first step towards failure", "Homer Simpson" ]
     50   - [ "Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal" ]
     51   - [ "The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison", "Fyodor Dostoyevsky" ]
     52   - [ "Socialism never took root in America because the poor seem themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires" ]
     53   - [ "Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order — in short, of government", "Albert Einstein" ]
     54   - [ "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit", "Will Durant" ]
     55   - [ "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him", "Malcolm S. Forbes" ]
     56   - [ "If you understood everything I said, you'd be me", "Miles Davis" ]
     57   - [ "Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity", "Karl Marx" ]
     58   - [ "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man", "Samuel Johnson" ]
     59   - [ "Shyness has a strange element of narcissism, a belief that how we look, how we perform, is truly important to other people", "Andre Dubus" ]
     60   - [ "The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago, the second best time is now" ]
     61   - [ "Listen to understand, not to respond" ]
     62   - [ "Under pressure you don't rise to the occasion, you sink to the level of your training. That's why we train so hard" ]
     63   - [ "You know what uranium is, right? It's this thing called nuclear weapons. And other things. Like lots of things are done with uranium. Including some bad things", "Donald Trump" ]
     64   - [ "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities", "Voltaire" ]
     65   - [ "What Orwell failed to predict was that we'd buy the cameras ourselves, and that our biggest fear would be that nobody was watching", "Keith Jnsen" ]
     66   - [ "The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise", "Alden Nowlan" ]
     67   - [ "A bore is someone who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company", "Oscar Wilde" ]
     68   - [ "One of the hardest things you will ever have to do is grieve the loss of a person who is still alive" ]
     69   - [ "Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance", "Kurt Vonnegut" ]
     70   - [ "When the axe came into the woods, many of the trees said: at least the handle is one of us" ]
     71   - [ "I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops", "Stephen Jay Gould" ]
     72   - [ "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say", "Edward Snowden" ]
     73   - [ "It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace", "Chuck Palahniuk" ]
     74   - [ "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors", "Plato" ]
     75   - [ "Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple", "Barry Switzer" ]
     76   - [ "The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life" ]
     77   - [ "Go on, get out. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough", "Karl Marx's last words" ]
     78   - [ "Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied" ]
     79   - [ "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" ]
     80   - [ "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways — the point, however, is to change it", "Karl Marx" ]
     81   - [ "People don't want to buy a drill, they want to buy a hole" ]
     82   - [ "Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it", "George Orwell" ]
     83   - [ "In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics.' All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia", "George Orwell" ]
     84   - [ "Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness", "George Orwell" ]
     85   - [ "Happiness can exist only in acceptance", "George Orwell" ]
     86   # - [ "The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain", "Karl Marx" ]
     87   - [ "I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand", "Donald Trump" ]
     88   - [ "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay? It's, like, incredible", "Donald Trump" ]
     89   - [ "The beauty of me is that I'm very rich", "Donald Trump" ]
     90   - [ "In life you have to rely on the past, and that's called history", "Donald Trump" ]
     91   - [ "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends", "Martin Luther King Jr." ]
     92   - [ "Capitalism started out with a noble and high motive, but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against", "Martin Luther King Jr." ]
     93   - [ "Privileged classes do not give up their privileges voluntarily", "Martin Luther King Jr." ]
     94   - [ "The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism", "Martin Luther King Jr." ]
     95   - [ "Most economic fallacies derive from the tendency to assume that there is a fixed pie, that one party can gain only at the expense of another", "Milton Friedman" ]
     96   - [ "Nobody actually creates perfect code the first time around, except me. But there's only one of me", "Linus Torvalds" ]
     97   - [ "An infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs would never make a good program", "Linus Torvalds" ]
     98   - [ "If it compiles, it is good; if it boots up, it is perfect", "Linus Torvalds" ]
     99   - [ "I'm always right. This time I'm just even more right than usual", "Linus Torvalds" ]
    100   - [ "C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much easier to generate total and utter crap with it", "Linus Torvalds" ]
    101   - [ "If the choice of C were to do nothing but keep the C++ programmers out, that in itself would be a huge reason to use C", "Linus Torvalds" ]
    102   - [ "Your code is shit... your argument is shit", "Linus Torvalds" ]
    103   - [ "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread", "Anatole France" ]
    104   - [ "To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe", "Anatole France" ]
    105   - [ "Ignorance and error are necessary to life, like bread and water", "Anatole France" ]
    106   - [ "If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing", "Anatole France" ]
    107   - [ "Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another", "Anatole France" ]
    108   - [ "It is by acts, and not by ideas that people live", "Anatole France" ]
    109   - [ "An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory", "Friedrich Engels" ]
    110   - [ "Personal success is not wrong, but it is limited in importance, and once you have enough of it it is a shame to keep striving for that, instead of for truth, beauty, or justice", "Richard Stallman" ]
    111   - [ "If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough — you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal", "Richard Stallman" ]
    112   - [ "Open source is a development methodology; free software is a social movement" ]
    113   - [ "I am a pessimist by nature. Many people can only keep on fighting when they expect to win. I'm not like that, I always expect to lose. I fight anyway, and sometimes I win", "Richard Stallman" ]
    114   - [ "I'm not asking you to call it 'Stallmanix' right?", "Richard Stallman" ]
    115   - [ "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum", "Noam Chomsky" ]
    116   - [ "There'll be plenty of time to rest in the grave", "Paul Erdős" ]
    117   - [ "Some French socialist said that private property was theft, I say that private property is a nuisance", "Paul Erdős" ]
    118   - [ "The best chapters in our economic history are those that embrace the many, not the few", "David Cameron" ]
    119   - [ "Everybody thinks of changing humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself", "Leo Tolstoy" ]
    120   - [ "The difference between the poet and the mathematician is that the poet tries to get his head into the heavens while the mathematician tries to get the heavens into his head", "G.K. Chesterton" ]
    121   - [ "Physics depends on a universe infinitely centered on an equals sign", "Mark Z. Danielewski" ]
    122   - [ "Freedom does not mean maximising what you are allowed to do, but rather minimising what you are obliged to do" ]
    123   - [ "Capitalism tends to destroy its two sources of wealth: nature and human beings", "Karl Marx" ]
    124   - [ "Rights are to be taken, not requested; seized, not begged for", "José Martí" ]
    125   - [ "Shoot first, ask questions never but maybe apologize for the shooting because that probably wasn't helpful of me", "Linus Torvalds" ]
    126   - [ "A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence", "David Hume" ]
    127   - [ "The best code is no code at all", "Jeff Atwood" ]
    128   - [ "Code never lies, comments sometimes do", "Ron Jeffries" ]
    129   - [ "Euler lacked only one thing to make him a perfect genius: he failed to be incomprehensible", "Frobenius" ]
    130   - [ "Talent is doing easily what others find difficult, genius is doing easily what others find impossible" ]
    131   - [ "You don't have to come up with really smart stuff, you just have to come up with dumb stuff first", "Bob Nystrom" ]
    132   - [ "I've never seen the Icarus story as a lesson about the limitations of humans. I see it as a lesson about the limitations of wax as an adhesive", "Randall Munroe" ]
    133   - [ "Just because you don't take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you", "Pericles" ]
    134   - [ "People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust people", "Super Hans" ]
    135   - [ "History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction", "Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbbs" ]
    136   - [ "Man is the most insane species. He worships an invisible god and destroys a visible Nature. Unaware that the Nature he is destroying is this god he is worshipping", "Hubert Reeves" ]
    137   - [ "Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that claim a god, and the only living thing that behaves like it hasn't got one", "Hunter Thompson" ]
    138   - [ "The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you", "Werner Heisenberg" ]
    139   - [ "Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all", "Adam Smith" ]
    140   - [ "Better to die on your feet, than live on your knees", "Emiliano Zapata" ]
    141   - [ "I don't want to live in a world where someone else makes the world a better place, better than we do", "Gavin Belson" ]
    142   - [ "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations", "George Orwell" ]
    143   - [ "There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies", "Tony Hoare" ]
    144   - [ "One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code", "Ken Thompson" ]
    145   - [ "It's a curious thing about computer science: not only do we not learn from our mistakes, we also don't learn from our successes", "Keith Braithwaite" ]
    146   - [ "Object oriented design is the roman numerals of computing", "Rob Pike" ]
    147   - [ "From music people accept pure emotion. But from art, they demand explanation", "Agnes Martin" ]
    148   - [ "If you wake up in the morning and you feel very happy, about nothing, no cause, that's what I paint about, the subtle emotions that we feel without cause in this world", "Agnes Martin" ]
    149   - [ "The relentless unforeseen was what we schoolchildren studied as 'history,' harmless history, where everything unexpected in its own time is chronicled on the page as inevitable", "Philip Roth" ]
    150   - [ "History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again", "Kurt Vonnegut" ]
    151   - [ "I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone", "Robin Williams" ]
    152   - [ "Now I know how what's his name felt when he'd finished the Mona Lisa, knackered", "Jeremy Usborne" ]
    153   - [ "There must be something rotten in the very core of a social system which increases its wealth without diminishing its misery", "Karl Marx" ]
    154   - [ "Four naan, Jeremy? Four? That's insane", "Mark Corrigan" ]
    155   - [ "If we can hit that bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards, check mate", "Zapp Brannigan" ]
    156   - [ "In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces", "Zapp Brannigan" ]
    157   - [ "I would challenge you to a battle of wits but I see that you are unarmed" ]
    158   - [ "Peace has cost you your strength, victory has defeated you", "Bane" ]
    159   - [ "If people do not realize that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is", "John von Neumann" ]
    160   - [ "Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize until you try to make it precise", "Bertrand Russell" ]
    161   - [ "Endure, Mr. Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of the Batman. He can be the outcast, he can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice", "Alfred Pennyworth" ]
    162   - [ "When information is plentiful the scarce resource is attention", "Joseph Nye" ]
    163   - [ "I suppose they were booing at me as I interrupted their fantasy with a little reality", "Marlon Brando" ]
    164   - [ "If there isn't room here for people who stand against everything you believe in, then what sort of a hippie free–for–all is this", "Mark Corrigan" ]
    165   - [ "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma", "Patrick Star" ]
    166   - [ "We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives", "Toni Morrison" ]
    167   - [ "Frosties are just corn flakes for people who can't face reality", "Mark Corrigan" ]
    168   - [ "Out of everything I've lost, I miss my mind the most", "Ozzy Osbourne" ]
    169   - [ "The pen is mightier then the sword, the dollar just buys both" ]
    170   - [ "Not a good start Boris" ]
    171   - [ "A cons is an object which cares", "Bernie Greenberg" ]
    172   - [ "I am already eating from the trash can all of the time, the trash can of ideology", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    173   - [ "I secretly think reality exists so we can speculate about it", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    174   - [ "I have reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's greatest stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice", "Martin Luther King Jr." ]
    175   - [ "If you have reasons to love someone, you don't love them", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    176   - [ "Words are never 'only words'; they matter because they define the contours of what we can do", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    177   - [ "The true ethical test is not only the readiness to save the victims, but the ruthless dedication to annihilating those who made them victims", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    178   - [ "Do not blame people and their attitudes: the problem is not corruption or greed, the problem is the system that pushes you to be corrupt", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    179   - [ "I think that the task of philosophy is not to provide answers, but to show how the way we perceive a problem can be itself part of a problem", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    180   - [ "Ideology is strong exactly because it is no longer experienced as ideology, we feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    181   - [ "No one yet has learned to drive a locomotive sitting in his study", "Leon Trotsky" ]
    182   - [ "In mathematics you don't understand things, you just get used to them", "John von Neumann" ]
    183   - [ "There is no such thing as a random number — there are only methods to produce random numbers", "John von Neumann" ]
    184   - [ "In our sincerely cynical times, the greatest taboo seems to be sincerity itself", "Slavoj Žižek" ]
    185   - [ "Terror without virtue is destructive; virtue without terror is impotent", "Maximilien Robespierre" ]
    186   - [ "The value of an education is not the learning of many facts, but the training of the mind to think", "Albert Einstein" ]
    187   - [ "Strange women lying in ponds disturbing swords is no basis for a system of government", "Denis" ]
    188   - [ "Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony", "Denis" ]
    189   - [ "The universe is a cruel uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't to search for meaning, its to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and eventually, you'll be dead", "Mr Peanutbutter" ]
    190   - [ "There is no shame in dying for nothing. That's why most people die", "Henry Winkler" ]
    191   - [ "When you look at someone through rose–colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags", "Wanda Pierce" ]
    192   - [ "Things don't become traditions because they're good, they become good because they're traditions", "Todd Chavez" ]
    193   - [ "I am not afraid of commitment. I commit to things all the time. It's the following through on that commitment that I take issue with", "BoJack Horseman" ]
    194   - [ "He's so stupid he doesn't realize how miserable he should be, I envy that", "BoJack Horseman" ]
    195   # - [ "Not understanding that you're a horrible person doesn't make you less of a horrible person", "BoJack Horseman" ]
    196   - [ "One day, you're gonna look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world", "BoJack Horseman" ]
    197   - [ "I spend a lot of time with the real me, and trust me no one is going to like that guy", "BoJack Horseman" ]
    198   - [ "You have reached the end of your free trial at benjaminfranklinquotes.com", "Benjamin Franklin" ]
    199   - [ "Family, religion, friendship, these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business", "C.M. Burns" ]
    200   - [ "I'd trade it all for just a little more", "C.M. Burns" ]
    201   - [ "Physics is just maths with the restriction of reality, engineering is physics with the restriction of budget" ]
    202   - [ "The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it", "George Bernard Shaw" ]
    203   - [ "Inside every cynical person is a disappointed idealist", "George Carlin" ]
    204   - [ "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain", "Harvey Dent" ]
    205   - [ "I know not what I may seem to the world, but as to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me", "Isaac Newton" ]
    206   - [ "They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard", "Fantastic" ]
    207   - [ "As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it", "Albert Einstein" ]
    208   - [ "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear" ]
    209   - [ "Perfection is the enemy of perfectly adequate", "Jimmy McGill" ]
    210   - [ "Is math related to science?", "Katy Perry" ]
    211   - [ "If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every women in Africa would be a millionaire", "George Monbiot" ]
    212   - [ "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand", "Martin Fowler" ]
    213   - [ "The radio, nuclear weapons, and above all else, the microwave burrito, is the legacy of modern physics", "Bruce Hevly" ]
    214   - [ "Truth is not a weeny roaster", "Bruce Hevly" ]
    215   - [ "As soon as you get a parking spot, you are a professor", "Professor Bruce Hevly" ]
    216   - [ "One problem with this theory is that it's physically nonsense, other than that it's a pretty good model", "Bruce Hevly" ]
    217   - [ "My father always wanted me to do real work and not be lazy, little did he know I would become an historian", "Bruce Hevly" ]
    218   - [ "There are only two kinds of math books: Those you cannot read beyond the first sentence, and those you cannot read beyond the first page", "Chen–Ning Yang" ]
    219   - [ "The only difference between science and screwing around is writing it down", "Alex Jason" ]
    220   - [ "Truth is in the eye of the beholder", "Ruth Hubbard" ]
    221   - [ "Laws change depending on who's making them, but justice is justice", "Odo" ]
    222   - [ "Trump hears that you don't like what Trump is doing", "Donald Trump" ]
    223   - [ "There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs", "Ansel Adams" ]
    224   - [ "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe", "Carl Sagan" ]
    225   - [ "Why does this same God tell me how to raise my children when he had to drown his", " Robert G Ingersoll" ]
    226   - [ "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied — chains us all irrevocably", "Aaron Satie" ]
    227   - [ "We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt", "Joseph Cooper" ]
    228   - [ "We’re still pioneers, we’ve barely begun. Our greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, cause our destiny lies above us", "Joseph Cooper" ]
    229   - [ "Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here", "Joseph Cooper" ]
    230   - [ "When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same", "Donald Trump" ]
    231   - [ "Do not mistake composure for ease", "Tuvok" ]
    232   - [ "We don't make risks in life so we can make it safely to death" ]
    233   - [ "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" ]
    234   - [ "Why do they act so surprised? When you treat people like animals you're going to get bit", "Frank Military" ]
    235   - [ "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame", "Uncle Iroh" ]
    236   - [ "In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength", "Uncle Iroh" ]
    237   - [ "Good art should disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed", "Cesar A. Cruz" ]
    238   - [ "No. No. No. I don't repeat myself. I don't repeat myself", "Donald Trump" ]
    239   - [ "Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are", "Patrick Star" ]
    240   - [ "Do you know why they call it the American Dream? Because you have to be asleep to believe it", "George Carlin" ]
    241   - [ "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubt, while the stupid people are full of confidence", "Betrand Russell" ]
    242   - [ "Live now. Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again", "Jean–Luc Picard" ]
    243   - [ "Amateurs wait for inspiration, professionals get to work", "Stephen King" ]
    244   - [ "A wise man fears three things: a sea under a storm, a moonless night, and the rage of a gentle man" ]
    245   - [ "All physics models are wrong, but some are useful" ]
    246   - [ "Oh dear, I really ought to do something. But, I am already in my pajamas", "Professor Farnsworth" ]
    247   - [ "This is the worst kind of discrimination, the kind against me", "Bender Bending Rodríguez" ]
    248   - [ "You ever notice that the worst of us have all the chips? It really kinda takes the sheen off people getting rich", "El–P" ]
    249   - [ "I used to wanna get the chance to show the world I'm smart. But I should've focused mostly on the heart, cause I seen smarter people trample life like it's an art", "El–P" ]
    250   - [ "The whole world must learn our peaceful ways, by force!", "Bender Bending Rodríguez" ]
    251   - [ "The United States is also a one–party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them", "Julius Nyerere" ]
    252   - [ "Eternal peace is probably overrated", "Klaus Hargreeves" ]
    253   - [ "One grows used to things, even if sometimes one shouldn't", "Pogo" ]
    254   - [ "You are an open book written for very dumb children", "Lila" ]
    255   - [ "There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept", "Ansel Adams" ]
    256   - [ "Jack of all trades, master of none; though ofttimes better than master of one" ]
    257   - [ "I'm tired of being calm, calm never got me a damn thing", "Benjamin Sisko" ]
    258   - [ "In this country American means white. Everyone else has to hyphenate", "Toni Morrison" ]
    259   - [ "Environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening", "Chico Mendes" ]
    260   - [ "Someones got to add a bit of culture, and it can't be the person who's entire culture is powering my BRAKE LIGHTS!", "Rick Santchez" ]
    261   - [ "I don't believe in morning people, I think they're just people who go to bed too early" ]
    262   - [ "The best way to solve a differential equation is to know the answer already", "Richard Feynman" ]
    263   - [ "Scientists discover the world that is; engineers create the world that never was", "Theodore Von Karman" ]
    264   - [ "The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire" ]
    265   - [ "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right. A single experiment can prove me wrong", "Albert Einstein" ]
    266   - [ "To an engineer, good enough is perfect. With an artist, there is no such thing as perfect", "Alexander Calder" ]
    267   - [ "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world", "Archimedes" ]
    268   - [ "A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible", "Freeman Dyson" ]
    269   - [ "I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell", "Harry Truman" ]
    270   - [ "Looking at the earth from afar you realise it is too small for conflict, and just big enough for cooperation", "Yuri Gagarin" ]
    271   # - [ "See that's why we can't win. They fuck up, they get beat. We fuck up, they give us pensions", "Thomas Hauk" ]
    272   - [ "This is America, you're either a duper or a dupee", "Frank Reynolds" ]
    273   - [ "Freud was right about a lot of things, but for all the wrong reasons" ]
    274   - [ "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" ]
    275   - [ "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trail was in the Senate, nobody would convict you", "Lindsey Graham" ]
    276   - [ "Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice, fiddle dee dee", "Mr. Peanutbutter" ]
    277   - [ "The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal", "Camille Paglia" ]
    278   - [ "Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you'll be a mile from them, and you'll have their shoes", "Jack Handey" ]
    279   - [ "What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?", "Mr. Krabs" ]
    280   - [ "God made the integers, everything else is the work of man", "Leopold Kronecker" ]
    281   - [ "If man is to survive he will have learned to take delight in the essential difference between men and between cultures", "Gene Roddenberry" ]
    282   - [ "Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes", "Edsger Dijkstra" ]
    283   - [ "You cannot loose if you do not play", "Marla Daniels" ]
    284   - [ "I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me", "Ralph Waldo Emerson" ]
    285   - [ "As I discuss in my book, Earth in the Balance, and the much more popular, Harry Potter and the Balance of Earth, we need to defend our planet from pollution as well as dark wizards", "Al Gore" ]
    286   - [ "I’m so embarrassed. I wish everybody else was dead", "Bender Bending Rodríguez" ]
    287   - [ "Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time", "Bender Bending Rodríguez" ]
    288   - [ "Tabloids are vitamins for the insecure" ]
    289   - [ "There's only three things Rudy Giuliani mentions in a sentence: a noun, a verb, and 9/11", "Joe Biden" ]
    290   - [ "Art should be in the hands of everyone, we shouldn't have to waste our lives to make it", "Joel Haver" ]
    291   - [ "The speed of technological advancement is not nearly as important as short term quarterly gains", "Quark" ]
    292   - [ "Yesterday is heavy, put it down" ]
    293   - [ "These men are all talk; What is needed is action ­ action!", "John Brown" ]
    294   - [ "Caution, Sir! I am eternally tired of hearing that word caution. It is nothing but the word of cowardice!", "John Brown" ]
    295   - [ "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination", "Elim Garak" ]
    296   - [ "Don't worry, I don't have low self esteem, I have low esteem for everyone else", "Daria Morgendorffer" ]
    297   - [ "Newton's greatest invention was the derivative. His second greatest was the second derivative" ]
    298   - [ "The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim", "Edsger Dijkstra" ]
    299   - [ "Variety is the spice of life, except for actual spices" ]
    300   - [ "I could call my old pal Hank Kissinger, I'm sure he has a few war crimes he never pulled off", "Sy Borgman" ]
    301   - [ "No one thinks they're a war criminal, but you find yourself aiding a separatist movement to overthrow a democratically elected leader, and boom you're a war criminal", "Sy Borgman" ]
    302   - [ "This quote only looks profound when it's in a script font over a sunset", "Randall Munroe" ]
    303   - [ "You can safely assume you've created god in your own image when it turns out that god hates all the same people you do", "Anne Lamott" ]
    304   - [ "Country's flags are just pride flags for straight people" ]
    305   - [ "I have always found it quaint, and rather touching, that there is a movement in the US that thinks Americans are not yet selfish enough", "Christopher Hitchens" ]
    306   - [ "You must have your heart on fire and your brain on ice", "Vladimir Lenin" ]
    307   - [ "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor", "Desmond Tutu" ]
    308   - [ "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't", "Mark Twain" ]
    309   - [ "Everyone knows what an American sounds like, except the Americans", "Dominic West" ]
    310   - [ "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in", "Leonard Cohen" ]
    311   - [ "A window covered with raindrops interests me more than a photograph of a famous person", "Saul Leiter" ]
    312   - [ "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable", "John F Kennedy" ]
    313   - [ "The more I practice the luckier I get", "Gary Player" ]
    314   - [ "It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see that it doesn't have to be that way", "Cuddlywhiskers" ]
    315   - [ "Criticism is something we can avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing", "Aristotle" ]
    316   - [ "Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given to us to understand", "Pablo Picasso" ]
    317   - [ "You don't take a photograph, you make it", "Ansel Adams" ]
    318   - [ "Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier", "A Jogging Baboon" ]
    319   - [ "There are no boring places, only boring people" ]
    320   - [ "Luck is the residue of design", "Wesley Branch Rickey" ]
    321   - [ "Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies", "Friedrich Nietzsche" ]
    322   - [ "I think it's absurd we have a queen. Basically what we're saying saying is that we're no more sophisticated than bees", "Sean Lock" ]
    323   - [ "If I could have my ashes spread anywhere I wanted, I'd have them spread in Piers Morgan's eyes", "Sean Lock" ]
    324   - [ "I don't think it matters whether Margaret Thatcher has a state funeral or not, as long as the bitch is dead, that's the main thing", "Sean Lock" ]
    325   - [ "The only reason the Swiss make chocolate is so we don't associate them with blood diamonds and nazi gold", "Sean Lock" ]
    326   - [ "Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?", "George W Bush" ]
    327   - [ "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully", "George W Bush" ]
    328   - [ "They misunderestimated me", "George W Bush" ]
    329   - [ "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me, you can't get fooled again", "George W Bush" ]
    330   - [ "Started making it. Had a breakdown... Bon appetit", "James Acaster" ]
    331   - [ "If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough", "Robert Capa" ]
    332   - [ "Photography is an art of observation. Its about finding something interesting in an ordinary place", "Elliott Erwitt" ]
    333   - [ "I've found photography has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way your see them", "Elliott Erwitt" ]
    334   - [ "Only those who own the means of production are free" ]
    335   - [ "I hate these nerds, just cause I'm stupidier than them, they think they're smarter than me", "Professor Farnsworth" ]
    336   - [ "To understand quantum spin, imagine it as a sphere rotating except that it is not a sphere and it is not rotating" ]
    337   - [ "Oppressive language does more than represent violence, it is violence", "Toni Morrison" ]
    338   - [ "All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers", "Francois Fenelon" ]
    339   - [ "To play chess well is the sign of a gentleman. To master chess is the sign of a wasted life", "Paul Morphy" ]
    340   - [ "She thinks I'm too critical. That's another fault of her's", "Lucille Bluth" ]
    341   - [ "Like you'd recognize a vegetable that wasn't wrapped in a Monte Cristo sandwich", "Malorie Archer" ]
    342   - [ "When I first started Reynholm Industries, I had just two things in my possession: a dream, and 6 million pounds", "Denholm Reynholm" ]
    343   - [ "It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism", "Mark Fisher" ]
    344   - [ "Capitalism has produced a level of abundance sufficient to solve the initial problem of survival - but only in such a way that the same problem is continually being regenerated at a higher level", "Guy Debord" ]
    345   - [ "To be radical is to grasp the root of the matter. But, for man, the root is man himself", "Karl Marx" ]
    346   - [ "There's something very nice about people who don't inflict their own ambitions and drives on the rest of us, there's something noble about doing nothing", "Saul Leiter" ]
    347   - [ "The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don't belong. It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation", "Susan Meiselas" ]
    348   - [ "There is no such thing as a new idea. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope", "Mark Twain" ]
    349   - [ "I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent rewriter", "James Michener" ]
    350   - [ "The first draft is just you telling yourself the story", "Terry Pratchet" ]
    351   - [ "Nature started the fight for survival and now she wants to quit because she's losing, well I say 'hard cheese'", "Mr. Burns" ]
    352   - [ "The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame", "Oscar Wilde" ]
    353   - [ "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man", "Heraclitus" ]
    354   - [ "When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals", "Edward Snowden" ]
    355   - [ "Get comfortable being uncomfortable, worry is a misuse of your imagination" ]
    356   - [ "Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics; I can assure you that mine are still greater", "Albert Einstein" ]
    357   - [ "Comparison is the thief of joy" ]
    358   - [ "Life is the shit that happens, while you're waiting for moments that never come", "Lester Freamon" ]
    359   - [ "A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera", "Dorothea Langae" ]
    360   - [ "I am not interested in photographing new things, I am interested to see things new", "Ernst Haas" ]
    361   - [ "It is always our own self that we find at the end of the journey. The sooner we face that self, the better", "Ella Maillart" ]
    362   - [ "The only people crossing wormholes are theoretical physicists with equations as their spaceships", "Alessandro Roussel" ]
    363   - [ "You people and your slight differences disgust me", "Professor Farnsworth" ]
    364   - [ "I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it", "Jack Handey" ]
    365   - [ "Liftoff from a tropical rainforest to the edge of time itself, James Webb begins a voyage back to the birth of the universe", "Rob Navias" ]
    366   - [ "Dying together sucks a little less than dying alone", "Jake the Dog" ]
    367   - [ "Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something", "Jake the Dog" ]
    368   - [ "There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits", "Karl Marx" ]
    369   - [ "I don't believe in charity. I believe in solidarity. Charity is so vertical. It goes from the top to the bottom. Solidarity is horizontal. It respects the other person. I have a lot to learn from other people", "Eduardo Galeano" ]
    370   - [ "It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature", "Niels Bohr" ]
    371   - [ "Physics is the only thing you can really understand; it's the rest of the world that doesn't make sense", "Sabine Hossenfelder" ]
    372   - [ "Money ain't got no owners. Only spenders", "Omar Little" ]
    373   - [ "Forgiveness from other folks is good, but ain't nothing but words coming at you from outside. You want to kick this shit, you got to forgive your own self", "Walon" ]
    374   - [ "Butter the toast, eat the toast, shit the toast. God, life's relentless", "Jeremy Usborne" ]
    375   - [ "You follow the drugs, you get drug addicts and drug dealers; but, you start to follow the money, and you don't know where its going to take you", "Lester Freeman" ]
    376   - [ "Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom", "Søren Kierkegaard" ]
    377   - [ "I'm only good at two things: spinning records, and being a stone cold fox", "Angel Dynamite" ]
    378   - [ "Be as simple minded as you can in everything you do", "Andrea Pocar" ]
    379   - [ "I'm to remember every man I've seen fall into a plate of spaghetti?", "Dennis Reynolds" ]
    380   - [ "Science, my boy is made up of mistakes but they are mistakes which it is useful to make, because they lead little by little to the truth", "Jules Verne" ]
    381   - [ "We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone", "Katie Thurmes" ]
    382   - [ "They got money for the war but can't feed the poor", "Tupac Shakur" ]
    383   - [ "So is that the only super power you get, surviving winters? Because I've survived many winters without these berries", "Dennis Reynolds" ]
    384   - [ "Smart, pyramid scheme and a time share. We're diversifying our portfolio", "Mac McDonald" ]
    385   - [ "This city should not exist its a monument to man's arrogance", "Peggy Hill" ]